Computer Installation, maintenance & repair services

These are some of the services that we offer for Residential Commercial and Industrial Customers. give us a call or send us an email if you have a custom job for us. and we will get back to you.

Desktop Maintenance & Repair

Desktop computers are powerful devices. The advantage of having a desktop base PC is that you can update the hardware to make it perform faster than any other device. But they require Maintenance, that’s why at AXIOMTECK we offer many services for your personal computer. you want to make Hardware Updates to it, or you experience a slowdown in your system we can help you solve those problems. check out all the services that we offer for the computer desktop base.

Laptop & Netbook Maintenance & Repair

There is nothing better than having a portable computer, that’s why we use Laptops. Laptops come in deferment types and brand sizes, some are faster than others ones, but the basics of having a portable computer are the same. These computers like Desktop PC computers also require Maintenance but the only problem is that you cannot update every single component on it. But you still can make some Hardware Updates. We offer Laptop & Netbook Screen Repair because we know how frustrating is to have a laptop with a broken screen.

mac computer Maintenance & Repair

Macbook is an elegant Laptop and very fast. They don’t usually need service. but when it comes to broken screens you don’t choose to get them to fix. don’t worry if you forgot to get a guaranty on it, bring it to us and we will be able to give you an estimate for the screen repair.

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